
Kamis, 21 Juli 2011

Three Things

Three Strategies To Learning English

I have three strategies to learning English. First, we must plant our love to learn English. Second, we must write down on the paper  that we had memorized. Third, we must practice English as well as we can. So, we must do all to increase our English to be better. 

Three Things To Do After Graduation

I have planning that i will do after graduation. First, i will increase my experience about literature of English in another department or university. Second, i will look for a job. Third, i will continue my study to post graduate about economy. so i will prepare my planning as well as possible from now.

Three Things I Love About Islam

I have three things i love Islam. First, after we pass away we will enter paradise. Second, in Islam there are many tolerance to another Muslim. Third, there is holy al-quran is our guide in every things. So, happy i am as a follower of Islam religion.

Mohamad Zaim


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